We hold large stocks of items (>400 Stoves) and can offer in most instances Next Day Pallet Delivery.
Please contact us for further information.

TV's above a fireplace

We do not recommend that you install a TV above any fire and neither will any Fireplace or TV Manufacturer.  But we do get asked regularly about this, and guidence on best practice.   

So to this end and at your own liability, here is our best recommendation as to, best practice and a "how to guide" which we can assist full with;

  • Solution 1: The TV needs a non combustible mantel/ledge to act as a heat shield (see geocast beams/claddings)
  • Solution 2 : The TV needs to be recessed into a niche / TV Recess. (see promafour blog)
  • Solution 3 : The TV needs to sit back, from the level of the frame (see promafour blog)

Our sister company Milborrow Chimney Sweeps, regularly install, solid fuel, gas fires and bioethanol fires for clients that request to have facility for their TV's/Pictures above them (please see example photos below)

We reccomend using a geocast mantel/beam to complete the look - these are non-combustible and add a luxurious look and feel to any fireplace (please click on the link to our blog about beams) 


We also only reccomend using promafour board as best material for this job, this complies with Building Regulations Part J and HETAS approval and can resist continuous high temperatures of up to 1000°C therefore it, minimises expansion and contraction during and after heating, reducing the risk of cracking. It is easy to decorate and does not require plastering. Croydon Fireplace is a supplier/installer and distributors of this board, glue, filler & primer.  But that is not the only reason why we are reccomending this after much market research and testing we know it is a safe and far superior product to anything else that is on the market.


Please do contact us or visit our showroom for further details and information.