We hold large stocks of items (>400 Stoves) and can offer in most instances Next Day Pallet Delivery.
Please contact us for further information.


  • £1,775.00

    ACR Ashdale MF

    The Ashdale's 7Kw output makes it suitable for medium to large sized rooms. Traditional in style yet equipped with the latest stove technology, the cast iron Ashdale is highly controllable allowing you to get the most efficient burn rate from your fuel.

  • £1,196.00

    ACR Tenbury

    The Tenbury T400 insert is the perfect solution for enjoying real stove ambience in a standard 16" fireplace opening.


    The Tenbury T550 features the same contemporary styling as the T400 but with a wider firebox. It has a 5Kw output and a 10 year warranty.

  • £2,499.00

    ACR Wychwood Balanced flue Gas

    The Wychwood Gas stove creates a stunning focal point in any home - with it's clever styling, this model will suit both traditional and contemporary homes.

  • £3,455.00

    ACR NEO 3P gas stove

    The NEO 3P gas stove offers contemporary styling coupled with a high efficiency of 82.3%. The realistic ceramic logs have been chosen to ensure they not only give a most impressive flame effect when lit, they also look authentic when the stove isn't being operated.

  • £3,320.00

    ACR NEO3F Gas Stove

    The NEO3FG gas stove is quite versatile being suitable for both contemporary styling or more traditional homes. It boasts a high efficiency of 82.3%.

  • £2,960.00

    ACR NEO 3 Woodburner

    The Neo 3 is everything you would expect from a full featured contemporary stove but has the benefit of DEFRA approval allowing you to burn wood in smoke controlled areas.  An optional multifuel grate enables you to burn smokeless fuel too to give you versatility when it comes to fuel type. 

  • £2,739.00

    ACR Novus

    With it's black glass front and gloss black ceramic top panel, the Novus creates a striking focal point. The large glass door is swept clean of deposits by the powerful airwash.
